Sunday 13 February 2011


hello lovely people, i have decided on the camera that i want to replace my broken one with, i love the effect you can get with lomography and this camera is a decent price of £50 from urban outfitters so i'll either beg my mum for an easter present in april or just save up, looks like i'll be spending my none existent free time on ironing and hoovering, lovely.

in other news, i stopped at one of my friends jodie's house last night and watched black swan again. i still don't know what to make of it. its so strange and at times pretty disturbing yet captivating at the same time. i usually can't watch the same film more than once within a couple of months because i can still remember what happens so i get bored but with black swan its different. even though i can remember what happened, by watching it again, i noticed things that i didn't the first time. its made me want to go and see a ballet and its also made me want to take up ballet and also made me scared of ballerinas... gosh, its not real caitlin, calm down.

on the photography front, my parents have become more set on the idea that photography will get me nowhere in life and are trying to force it into my head that i'll be going to a college that doesn't even offer a photography A level, but i'm standing my ground. it's my life and i will make of it whatever i wish and if that backfires in my face in the future then that's just something i'll have to live with.

on a lighter note, my first gorgeous person of the week is...

MATT LANTER! *wipes drool from chin*
even if i didn't love 90210 i'd still watch it just to see him... mmm hello gorgeousness.
lots of love,


  1. You should totally do photography for A level if it interests you, academic A Levels are hard as it is, so it's great to have one that you enjoy. I didn't get the opportunity to do textiles and I regret it so much :(
    Matt Lanter is the only reason I watch 90210 as well haha, how is he so beautiful?


  2. i'd love to do a photography A level, just parents dont seem to think its important :-( ah well, i'll persuade them somehow.

    yes black swan is amazing, and pretty confusing. hehe.

    and matt lanter is absolutely gorgeous, i love him!:D

    thankyou for the lovely comment :-) i'll definately be having a look at your blogs :)


  3. oh my god black swan!
    ever since I saw it it's everywhere, i swear.
    but the girl that commented before is right, its AMAZING!

    your blog is adorable

  4. hehe, its such a good film :D and aww thankyou :-)
