Sunday 2 January 2011


i usually feel a great sense of achievement when december the 31st gets here, its like i'm proud that i've got through another year.. wait, thats sounds like i'm going through some sort of crisis, its more like i'm proud of the fact i have spent another year being happy and enjoying my self with the people i love the most. yes, that sounds a little less depressing. Then midnight comes and everyone seems really happy and crosses their arms over, standing in a circle, holding hands, singing old lang syne.. (does everyone do this or is it some weird ritual that my parents have adapted over the years?) and you think great a new start.. at least, this is what i always think.

then i go to bed and wake up in the morning thinking i'm going to feel all reinvigorated and fresh, but i don't. i wake up and absolutely nothings changed, i still feel like i always feel and everything is just the way it was the year before, which is always a dissapointment to me. my happiness from the day before has vanished because i realise i've got to start a new year all over again, and as for the "new start" i start to think to myself, well what was wrong with the "old start"? i was happy with how i was before so why should i change anything? so i carry on like i always do.

as for the new years resolutions, i like to think they'll last but they never do because the only motivation i have to carry them on is the fact that its a new year, and as i have just been saying, the new year feels exactly the same as the old one did, so why bother? or it could just be because i'm lazy...
so this new years eve me and my family + elise went for an indian meal in town which was lovely, i had chicken korma because i'm a wimp :P half way through the meal, some chav decided to stand outside the window sticking his fingers in his mouth, it put me off my food a little but i laughed anyway, after the meal we went to my house and played on just dance 2 on the wii and me and elise made a den on the end of my bed with a sheet and lots of pillows, it took us back to the old days, ahh... ooh and i also dyed my hair :) please enjoy this small selection of photos:

Just Dance

My new hair colour

The Den

Elise in the den

me and my camera in the den :)

happy new year!