How To Be Happy
1) Change things up a bit - Make a change to your appearance or buy something new, just change something, anything. I died my hair red the other day, now i don't feel boring when i look in the mirror and it feels great. here's what it looks like:
2) Stock up on happy things - Here is what's been keeping my smiling lately. yes, that is an Arctic Monkeys ticket, yes they were absolutely amazing and yes i am in love with alex turner. there's my pet rock ronaldfer, he doesn't really do much but looking at him amuses me. the only two men i need, ben and jerry. enough said. then there's the vitamin b6 tablets my mum makes me take, they're supposed to "promote a healthy heart, brain, skin and hormone balance" i haven't really noticed a difference, but taking them keeps my her happy and if she's happy then i'm happy. then there's books, i love reading and i don't do enough of it lately so i'm making an effort with "Style Diaries" its great, i reccommend it for outfit inspiration and last but not least it "Wreck This Journal" its looking a bit shabby but that's the idea, i unleash my anger on it.
3) Stop caring - Not about everything, just what people think. it's your life and aslong as you know what you do is right, or you can accept that what you have done is wrong and learn from mistakes, then who is anyone else to judge?
So there you have it, three steps to happiness. It's tried and tested. Well.. on myself. Here is a happy song to top off your new happy mood.
smile even when the world gives you a thousand reasons to frown.
ReplyDeletebe happy caitlin.
awh! thats so sweet,thankyou! :D
ReplyDeleteAlex Turner is simply perfect! nothing's better than an "Arctic Mokeys" album and a good book to make us happy :D